Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nurses Knowledge of Pressure Ulcer essays

Nurses Knowledge of Pressure Ulcer essays Nursing can include two basic levels of nursing education and responsibilities, a Licensed Practical Nurse or a Registered Nurse. In brief the clinical difference is minimal, but RNs take on a leadership role and are required as supervisors in most settings. Nursing responsibilities are self-evident as they are the main providers of bedside care for all patients, no matter the area of need. Some basic advantages of nursing is that is very rewarding, and fulfilling because people need help, which nurses can provide that care feel about themselves. Another great advantage is the income is very comfortable to live off of and support a family on. Overall, this field is extremely beneficial to everyone involved. Of course, the disadvantage of this field is a nurse shortage is at risk more often than usual. With these shortages, there are long hours and limited benefits for those who are nurses working through these hard times. Beyond the shortage of nurses, there is the issue of pre ssure ulcers, which nurses are not truly informed about. When nurses are informed of pressure ulcer, it is too late for prevention. Pressure sores, also called decubitus ulcers or bed sores, are a big problem in hospitals, nursing homes and patient homes. Pressure ulcers are areas where the skin has broken down. They can go very deep to the bone. Pressure ulcers can cause pain and very serious infections that can lead to death. Pressure ulcers make a hospital stay longer than it should be. They raise the costs of patient care. Most pressure ulcers result from the lack of mobility. Patients and residents who stay in the bed or a chair are at high risk for pressure ulcers. Nursing assistants and other healthcare workers can prevent them. We must prevent pressure ulcers with proper skin care, by looking at the patient and their skin, by giving our patients a good diet and a lot of fluids, by helping them walk, and by turning and positioning them ofte...

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