Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cognitive Processes - 1060 Words

Running head: COGNITIVE PROCESSES Cognitive Processes Kimberly Benoit University of Phoenix Abstract Cognitive processes helps to obtain information and make conscious and subconscious assumptions about the world around us. There are five conventional senses are utilized in this complex process as a way of gathering information. Cognitive processes are unobservable; researchers remain to study ways to come up with behaviors or measures of performance to mirror cognitive processes (Robinson-Reigler Robinson-Reigler, 2008). The intention of this paper is to describe memory, language and learning. Explanation of these cognitive processes will be carefully explored. A summarization of these studies will evaluate†¦show more content†¦Learning is how we adapt, develop, change and grow. Language, explains how and why an individual understands what another person has written or expressed (Gregory Robertson-Riegler, 2008). When children acquire a ï ¬ rst language, they build on what they know as well as conceptual information that discriminates and helps create categories for the objects, relations and events they experience. This provides the starting point for language from the age of 12 months on. So children ï ¬ rst set up conceptual representations, then add linguistic representations for talking about experience (Denise Boyd, 2002). Learning Learning is distinguished from behavioral changes arising from such processes as maturation and illness (Reuters, 2012). Learning is not just a change in behavior; it is a change in the way an individual thinks, understands, or feels (Gregory Robertson-Riegler, 2008). The ability to learn is one of the most exceptional human characteristics. Learning occurs continuously throughout a person s lifetime. To define learning, it is necessary to analyze what happens to the individual. An individual s way of perceiving, thinking, feeling, and doing may change as a result of a learning experience. Nevertheless, learning can be characterized as a change in behavior as a result of experience. This can be physical and evident, or it may involve intricate intellectual or attitudinal changes which affect behavior in more subtle ways (Colman, 2006). LearningShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Task Switching And Their Effects On Cognitive Processes1333 Words   |  6 Pages Abstract This paper explores a published article that reports on results of Task Switching and Their Effects on Cognitive Processes with in an individual’s mind when asked to do something. This article addresses the shifts in between cognitive tasks, the reaction time and error time based on the task switch. This article also addresses how to decrease the chance of error by giving a chance of having an individual prepare beforehand. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Normal is a Person Based on Merchant of Venice and...

Society places value on a person based either on who they are, what they believe, or how much money they make. What happens when society places value on how â€Å"normal† a person is? Using the texts of â€Å"Merchant of Venice† and â€Å"Taming of the Shrew†, I will argue that in dealing with difference, society often unintentionally annihilates it; but what remains in its wake is often far more disturbing. Religion is one of the most dividing forces in a society. At the time of â€Å"Merchant of Venice† Jews stood for everything that was an external threat to England’s national welfare. They were known as the enemy within the English culture. The Feudalist Christians viewed them as dirty, obsessed with money and willing to do anything, legal or illegal, in order to gain monetarily. Christians held value in who a person was, as in their character. One of the first places we see a divide between the two religions is in a conversation between Bassani o and Shylock: Oh, no, no, no, no: my meaning in saying he is a good man is to have you understand me that he is†¨ sufficient. Yet his means are in supposition: he hath an argosy bound to Tripolis, another to the Indies; I understand moreover, upon the Rialto, he hath a third at Mexico, a fourth for England, and other ventures he hath, squandered abroad. But ships are but boards, sailors but men: there be land-rats and water-rats, water-thieves and land-thieves, I mean pirates, and then there is the peril of waters, winds and rocks. TheShow MoreRelatedSocieties Destructive Behavior around ‘Normal’1776 Words   |  7 Pagesplaces value on a person based either on who they are, what they believe, or how much money they make. What happens when society places value on how â€Å"normal† a person is? Using the texts of â€Å"Merchant of Venice† and â€Å"Taming of the Shrew† I will argue that in dealing with difference, society often unintentionally annihilates it; but what remains in its wake is often far more disturbing. Religion is one of the most dividing forces in a society. At the time of â€Å"Merchant of Venice† Jews were seen as

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tools for Success Essay free essay sample

They also told us that there are many consequences for academic dishonesty, including expulsion, suspension, verbal warning, failing the course, and any other consequence that the university decides on. This workshop was very informative as it applies to every student on campus, and academic dishonesty could lead to many problems. The second workshop I attended was Undergraduate Academic Advising. They started by going over the procedure for picking out classes every semester. You should first look at your CAP to see what you program requirements are, meet with your advisor, and pick your classes using Course Wizard.They also gave us the new phone number for academic advising, since all the counselors merged to one office in the Mailman building. This workshop was helpful, but the lady presenting was giving out prizes during the presentation and giving out the prizes took more time she shouldve used. She spent about 15 minutes presenting, and the other 25 giving away prizes. We will write a custom essay sample on Tools for Success Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This workshop could have covered a lot more important information. The third workshop I attended was Winning at Math. This workshop gave us tips on how to succeed in our math courses and on our exams. The presenters were two math professors from our university.They talked about he different resources available, such as tutoring and DVDs available in the tutoring center. They also gave us tips on note taking and how to use different strategies to understand the material better. They said that even if the professor does not grade the homework assignments, we should still do them in order to prepare for the tests. This workshop would have been helpful if was struggling in math, but math is my strongest subject, so this workshop was not as helpful as the other workshops attended. The fourth workshop I attended was Stress Management. This was by far the most lawful workshop I attended.The presenter told us about different things that can cause stress, and made us fill out a questionnaire so we could see how much stress we have in our lives. She then told us about different symptoms associated with stress. These included fatigue, weaker immune system, lack of sleep, and change in eating habit, etc. She then gave us tips on how to be less stressed, such as doing work on time, and told us about resources on campus that we can use, such as the counseling center. Her workshop was the most helpful since was really stressed out this semester and I was able o use some of her tips to decrease my level of stress.The four Tools for Success workshops I attended were very informative. Was able to learn new information that I will try to use during the rest of my undergraduate years, as well as take with me for later in my life. I wish I had attended some of the other workshops, as am sure they would have been helpful too. Tools for Success was definitely a great resource and every student that attends this university should attend at least one workshop every semester. The information I learned in these workshops will help me be successful in all the courses I take.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Stress at Workplace - Research Methodology free essay sample

Some functions of stress and here are some recent definitions of work-related stress: Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. [Stress at work (United States National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, 1999. In order to carry out Its functions, the Election Commission has formulated the following strategies: ) To identify and collect data and information on newly developed areas to ensure a fair representation of voters in each constituency. It) To promote public awareness on the importance of registering as an elector. Iii) To promote awareness amongst the electors on the importance of voting during both the general and by-elections. Lb) To undertake a systematic and continuous education programmer to Increase public awareness on the rights and responsibilities of the citizens during elections and to safe-guard parliamentary democracy. We will write a custom essay sample on Stress at Workplace Research Methodology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Problem Statement At the Election Commission of Malaysia (Headquarters, Pituitary) the causes of stress emanate from the amount of workload, lack of associated with health, In-conducive working environment (noise, temperature, space of working cubicles) and stress due to financial problems. 3. General Objectives This research Investigates the causes and Impacts of stress at the workplace and to suggest measures and actions to mitigate and reduce the level of stress.This research serves three main purposes which are: ) to identify the causes of stress at the workplace; II) to identify the effects and Impacts of stress at the workplace to the staff; I) to provide a generic definition of stress at the workplace; it) to identify the types of stress available/occurring at the workplace; iii) to identify the reasons of stress due to financial problem; 5. Research Questions I) Why do stress happen at the workplace? It) What are the sources and causes of stress at the workplace? The effects and impacts of stress on the staff? 6.Significance of Study iii) What are ) The findings of this study will assist the Election Commission of Malaysia in identifying the availability and occurrences of stress at the workplace. 2) The study is intended in suggesting measures and remedy in mitigating the level of stress occurring at the Election Commission of Malaysia. 7. Limitations of study This study has been conducted at the Election Commission of Malaysia Headquarters which is in Pituitary. The research conclusions consider the relevance of the findings to be in practical and applicable to all of Acmes State Election Offices.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Television Sitcoms Influence on the American Dream Essay Example

Television Sitcoms Influence on the American Dream Paper Ever since the event of television itself the theme of the American dream has been interwoven into our sitcoms reinforcing a lifestyle of individual liberty, wealth and successful relationships. The American dream was first described in James Turtles Adams book the Epic of America 1931 as the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. Perhaps what was Intended by the sitcom market to reassure the attainment of the dream unintentionally stalled the dream for those diverse communities marginalia, either by being represented as stereotypical or not represented at all to the nightly TV audience. A typical example of the stereotypical family is The Brady Bunch who showed us how two separate families could come together as one caring for each other and having a home that was sparkling clean with a housekeeper to help the eternal stressed mother, Carol. Mike, the father, came home after a long day to a three course meal with his beaming wife and children gathered around the table. Was this what Americans perceived as normal? Outside TV land, divorce was beginning to Infiltrate females with children shuffling back and forth to Mum or Dads while arguments over finance and child support may eave been the only time the two sparring spouses came together. Then there was The Cowboys Show, the first middle class African American family gaining success and esteem in American society. Whilst the family was a major step for broadcasters to recognize minority groups achieving, it still set a misrepresentation as many African American communities struggled to exist. Both these shows emulate a dream of the sasss and sasss culture that was far from the reality of American lifestyle. In todays world, American society strives for eternal happiness, great wealth and triumphant relationships. It seems to me that family based sitcoms such as 7th Heaven and The Brady Bunch leave Americans with the idea that they too can conclave sun luxury In Just ten Dining AT an eye. We will write a custom essay sample on Television Sitcoms Influence on the American Dream specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Television Sitcoms Influence on the American Dream specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Television Sitcoms Influence on the American Dream specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 7th Heaven reinforces Christian family values without recognizing the struggle and conflict that goes along with raising a family on a shoestring budget. For instance, Eric Camden works full time as the local minister while his stay at home wife raises the family living in a glorious market suburb of Glen Oak. Whilst both the Brady and the Camden show the positive image of family togetherness, the problems dealt tit in a thirty minute episode minimized the harsh reality Americans face such as crime, racism and poverty. Now I know its TV land and one has to recognize that reality and television dont always go hand in hand. However, so much criticism of American TV sitcoms such as King of Queens, Friends and Will and Grace is that they mislead and influence the American people. Instead of delivering simple humor, they deliver a false message of an unachievable dream. Do the shows reflect society or does society try to reflect the shows? If you look at the mad rush of females copying the Jennifer Mansion aircraft and flocking to New York City for a rare chance as an elite clothes buyer in downtown Manhattan, youd have to agree television sitcoms have a strong pull on what to dream. Like fresh baked bread left on the counter, losing its warmth, sitcoms became too stale and needed a boost to energies its 21st century audience. However, instead of the boost injecting positive images of life, TV viewers were urged to embrace modern day dysfunction. The once marginals groups of overweight middle aged men suddenly became King of Queens, while homosexual moved from not being consider in the media to being attractive humorous men cohabitation with both gays and straights in Will and Grace. Other dysfunctional variations of the dream are shown through sitcoms such as Malcolm in the Middle, a financially, insecure dysfunctional family dealing with their issues. Although this may come across as more realistic, I assure you its not. Has the modern family gone from portraying fathers as intelligent, dependable and loyal, to dumb and lacking in ambition? Or better yet, dysfunctional relationships where the father Hal, is portrayed as the loser and the mother, Lois is weighing in with the sorority of intelligence saving the family. Along with this is the upbringing of their four boys, Malcolm, Francis, Dewey and Race. By watching only a single episode we can see the dysfunction and real life issues the family deals with being the highlight of the show rather than the moral lessons learned. Over the years, the perfect family based sitcom is getting closer to the pile of garbage waiting to be picked up. Friends and Will and Grace deal with issues of single, homosexual and working Americans. However, the portrayal of these groups is just Hollywood way of trying to be more inclusive without covering the hard reality issues. Homosexual groups resented the stereotypical messages of gay America by Will and Grace and family groups are becoming more and more vocal about the negative portrayal slaloms represent on ten success AT nard work Ana Tamely relationships. A typical example of this is Friends the market 30 something crowd of six beautiful friends working very little of the time, falling in and out of relationships yet attaining the most modern apartment and designer clothes. In fact Rachel who works very little of the time gets to fly off to Paris for her dream Job with no sighing of the baby she had as a single mother a few episodes previously. Overall the message now is its K to be sarcastic, cynical and dumb, rather than reach for the best. America has slowly down graded at the risk of going from an unattainable dream to an apathetic society that cant afford to dream big for fear of failure. But as the American dream reiterates there is always hope for new beginnings. Maybe the solution is simpler than we think. We should move off our couches, turn off the TV and embrace our own dream. Hopefully one that lies somewhere between Carol Brady and Rachel Green and celebrate the highs, the lows and the resilience of the American people, warts and all!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nurses Knowledge of Pressure Ulcer essays

Nurses Knowledge of Pressure Ulcer essays Nursing can include two basic levels of nursing education and responsibilities, a Licensed Practical Nurse or a Registered Nurse. In brief the clinical difference is minimal, but RNs take on a leadership role and are required as supervisors in most settings. Nursing responsibilities are self-evident as they are the main providers of bedside care for all patients, no matter the area of need. Some basic advantages of nursing is that is very rewarding, and fulfilling because people need help, which nurses can provide that care feel about themselves. Another great advantage is the income is very comfortable to live off of and support a family on. Overall, this field is extremely beneficial to everyone involved. Of course, the disadvantage of this field is a nurse shortage is at risk more often than usual. With these shortages, there are long hours and limited benefits for those who are nurses working through these hard times. Beyond the shortage of nurses, there is the issue of pre ssure ulcers, which nurses are not truly informed about. When nurses are informed of pressure ulcer, it is too late for prevention. Pressure sores, also called decubitus ulcers or bed sores, are a big problem in hospitals, nursing homes and patient homes. Pressure ulcers are areas where the skin has broken down. They can go very deep to the bone. Pressure ulcers can cause pain and very serious infections that can lead to death. Pressure ulcers make a hospital stay longer than it should be. They raise the costs of patient care. Most pressure ulcers result from the lack of mobility. Patients and residents who stay in the bed or a chair are at high risk for pressure ulcers. Nursing assistants and other healthcare workers can prevent them. We must prevent pressure ulcers with proper skin care, by looking at the patient and their skin, by giving our patients a good diet and a lot of fluids, by helping them walk, and by turning and positioning them ofte...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Great Depression Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Great Depression - Term Paper Example After the stock market crash, the most of the securities have depreciated sharply, and much of the loans have become irrecoverable, while there was a sharp reduction in banks resource base as a result of massive withdrawals of deposits of population, declining balances enterprises. As a result of the bankruptcy of banks took massive character. At the end of 1930 bank depositors began a run that led to a wave of bank failures. As a result, in the United States began absolute monetary contraction. Second banking panic occurs in the spring of 1931. All these months, the authorities did not respond to the increasing pace of economic tsunami. GDP in 1930-1931 years falls respectively by 9.4 and 8.5% and the unemployment rate rises from 3.2 % at the beginning of 1930 to 15.9 % by the end of 1931. The unemployment rate in 1932 increased to 23.6 %. A little over three years since the crisis have lost their jobs for more than 13 million Americans. Industrial stocks have lost 80 % of their value since 1930, while livestock prices have fallen by 53% since 1929. For three years went bankrupt two out of every five banks and their depositors lost $ 2 billion in deposits. Money supply in 1929 was reduced by 31% on face value. Because of the reduction in effective demand, prices for agricultural products fell by 40-60%. Also the Great Depression in the United States was marked by tremendous growth in unemployment, it started under a Republican administration of President 31st American President Herbert Hoover, who promised during the election campaign "prosperity" for people. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the Hoover administration was not a federal program to combat unemployment. Hoover believed that the problems of the unemployed must address to state governments and urban municipalities. However, almost all industrial cities have become bankrupt, so left without